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CPU " was successfully elected as the first founding leader of the SNEC Hydrogen Industry Alliance | " CPU Hydrogen Energy" was successfully elected as the first founding leader of the SNEC H

Time:2021/11/26 10:49:38    Tag:

On October 19th, the "SNEC 4th (2021) International Hydrogen Energy Conference was jointly organized by the Dalian Municipal People's Government, the Shanghai New Energy Industry Association, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Hydrogen Energy Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Renewable Energy." "Fuel Cell (Dalian) Technology Conference" was held in Dalian, China. 

 Focusing on the theme of "Empowering Green Hydrogen and Contributing to Carbon Neutrality", the conference invited Tan Tianwei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Liu Zhongmin, director of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shi Dinghuan, former counselor of the State Council and honorary chairman of the SNEC conference, and the Global Green Energy Council. Chairman Zhu Gongshan, Chairman of Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co., Ltd. Lu Yonghua, and Chairman of Shanghai New Energy Industry Association Zhu Kai delivered keynote speeches. 

 "CPU Hydrogen Power Technology(Suzhou)Co. ,Ltd." has a long-term layout in the energy field, starting from a high starting point, giving full play to new materials, new processes and a solid technical foundation, as a rising star in the field of hydrogen energy, successfully selected for the first session of the alliance Founding leader unit. 

Due to its advantages of high combustion calorific value, sustainability, abundant reserves, and zero pollution, the development of hydrogen energy can achieve truly green, clean and sustainable development. At present, my country's carbon peak and carbon neutral development goals will further accelerate the process of carbon reduction. Renewable energy electrolyzes water to produce hydrogen, allowing renewable energy to couple the fields of electricity, transportation, heat and chemical industry through "electricity-hydrogen-electricity (or chemical raw materials)", and give full play to the true and efficient use of "green hydrogen" . CPU has a very mature technology core in hydrogen production equipment, and has successfully reached cooperation intentions with many energy and energy companies. 

CPU was invited to be a special co-sponsor. In order to celebrate the official establishment of the SNEC Hydrogen Energy Industry Alliance, and to thank the alliance units and all industry representatives participating in the conference for their contributions to accelerating the rapid commercialization of the hydrogen energy industry, the "CPU" was solemnly held. "Hydrogen Night" dinner.