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Seize the New Opportunities of Carbon Neutrality and Empower the Construction of a Zero-Carbon Society - 2021 Beijing International Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (CWP 2021) Held in Beijing

Time:2021/11/26 11:07:32    Tag:On October 17, 2021, the 2021 Beijing International Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (CWP 2021)

On October 17, 2021, the 2021 Beijing International Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (CWP 2021) was grandly opened in Beijing. 

Since it was first held in 2008, the Beijing International Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition has gone through 15 years and has become the "wind vane" and "barometer" for the development of the wind power industry. The theme of this conference is "Carbon Neutrality - New Opportunities for Wind Power Development". High-level representatives from governments at all levels, new energy companies, traditional energy industries, power grid companies, industry organizations, universities and research institutes and other institutions have gathered. In one session, discussions were held on topics such as climate change, new power systems, transformation of the oil and gas industry, green finance, and the development of wind power during the 14th Five-Year Plan.

On September 22, 2020, my country proposed a timetable for carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, and it has been one year since then. During this period, all walks of life quickly took action to implement it with unprecedented efforts. It is not only a global environmental governance issue, but also an economic issue in transition to green development, and a political issue for building a community with a shared future for mankind. Bring about broad and profound systemic change. With the proposal of the dual-carbon goal, the wind power industry, as the main force, has ushered in a period of historic development opportunities. However, various challenges still exist, and all parties need to focus on cracking key obstacles and clarifying the direction of the next breakthrough. The convening of this conference is of great significance for identifying the high-quality development path of wind power in the carbon-neutral era to better support the construction of a zero-carbon society.

The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Qin Haiyan, Secretary-General of the Wind Energy Professional Committee of the China Renewable Energy Society, Li Junfeng, the first director of the National Center for Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation, and executive director of the China Energy Research Society, Xu Jianzhong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, former State Council Counselor, and China Co., Ltd. Shi Dinghuan, President of the Renewable Energy Society, Bai Sina, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in China, Wu Qiaowen, Trade Envoy of the Department of International Trade of the British Embassy in China, Dou Wen, Deputy Director and Minister of the Royal Danish Embassy in China, CRRC Group Sun Yongcai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, and Lin Gang, Chief Engineer of China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd. delivered speeches respectively. 

Li Junfeng, the first director of the National Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation Center and executive director of the China Energy Research Association, said that the central government proposed to increase the proportion of non-fossil energy to 20% by 2025, and to 25% by 2030. Correspondingly, non-fossil energy The power generation should be increased to 40% and 50%. To achieve this goal, we need to make more solid and active efforts. Because if greenhouse gas emissions are stabilized with some reduction, fossil energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions from fossil energy should begin to decline, which requires non-fossil energy not only to meet the new energy needs, but also to be replaced by total amount. We bring new opportunities and markets. We should not only meet domestic goals, but also contribute to the global energy transition, especially along the Belt and Road and developing countries. 

Xu Jianzhong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that the wind power industry should focus on three issues. As wind power blades become longer and longer, there are still problems in structural mechanics, aeroelasticity and other aspects, which require in-depth research; in offshore wind power, it is necessary to speed up Carry out research on cutting-edge technologies such as floating foundations; it is necessary to promote research on wind and heat, which has broad application prospects and will greatly reduce costs. He emphasized that my country's wind power industry maintains rapid development, but we cannot ignore the scientific and technological problems that exist in it. Some people must sink their hearts to study scientific and technological problems, so as to further reduce the cost and make it more widely used, so that wind power can be used for my country's implementation of dual carbon Goals and make greater contributions to the realization of the energy revolution. 

Shi Dinghuan, former counselor of the State Council and president of the China Renewable Energy Society, pointed out that this year is the first year for the implementation of the dual-carbon goal, marking the entry of a new era in my country's energy development. It is necessary to transform the energy structure and establish a new power system with new energy as the main body, which gives us clear strategic goals and tasks, and makes all wind energy people feel that we have a long way to go. While we are proud of our past achievements, we should also meet New challenges require greater effort. We should jointly promote scientific and technological innovation and promote the emergence of more new technologies, products, materials and application methods. It is hoped that coordination among various new energy sources will be strengthened to achieve multi-energy complementarity. We also need to study how to organically combine wind power with various industries such as industry, transportation, construction, and agriculture. 

Bai Sina, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in China, introduced that accelerating the research and development of floating offshore wind power technology and projects will enable wind power to make greater contributions to meeting global energy needs. In this regard, Norway has established a world-leading offshore wind power supply chain based on its practice in the offshore oil and gas field, and Norway can provide countries with competitive solutions. China and Norway have cooperated in the energy field for more than 40 years, and have carried out extensive cooperation at the government and industry levels. The two countries have signed a ministerial-level memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of wind power, which provides a good framework for deeper cooperation between the two countries. 

Wu Qiaowen, trade envoy of the Department of International Trade of the British Embassy in China, pointed out that China's wind power is moving towards grid parity in an all-round way, and this process is still full of challenges. equipment, etc. The United Kingdom has accumulated a lot of experience in promoting wind power cost reduction through marketization, and has very rich expertise in design, installation, operation and maintenance, which can provide useful help to promote the development of wind power in China. Of course, we also need China. The UK has set ambitious offshore wind power development goals. We welcome Chinese companies to invest in UK offshore wind power projects. Now is the best time for Chinese equipment manufacturers to invest in the UK offshore wind power supply chain. 

Dou Wen, Deputy Head of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in China, Minister Dou Wen believes that both China and Denmark have a firm commitment to green transformation, and both countries hope to further reduce carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. Denmark greatly appreciates the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality targets announced by China. China and Denmark need to work closely together to further resolve the challenges associated with addressing climate change. Denmark hopes to build the world's first energy island, which will provide tens of millions of European households with green electricity. This will be another important potential area for cooperation between China and Denmark in the future. 

Sun Yongcai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of CRRC Group Co., Ltd., said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, CRRC will focus on the strategic positioning of "one core, two businesses and first-class" and the business structure of "one core, three poles and multiple points", and strive to become a green The leader of manufacturing, the creator of green life and the forerunner of green development. Facing the "14th Five-Year Plan", CRRC will aim at "6G", that is, green investment, green innovation, green manufacturing, green products, green services, and green enterprises, and will face the entire industrial chain, the entire value chain, and the entire technology chain. Fully integrate carbon reduction, zero-carbon and negative-carbon technologies, fully promote the innovation of energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, accelerate the research and development of green products such as rail transit equipment, wind power equipment, and new energy buses, and provide "CRRC technology" for the country to achieve the dual-carbon goal as scheduled. CRRC Products" and "CRRC Solutions. 

Lin Gang, chief engineer of China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., pointed out that the wind power industry should pay attention to the following five aspects: First, grasp the development trend of policies, reduce costs and improve efficiency through centralized development. The second is to adhere to technological innovation to lead the development, focus on tackling the problem of "stuck neck", promote the research and development of core technologies such as floating offshore wind power, and build a new business format that combines various energy forms. The third is to integrate industrial resources to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and use advanced technologies such as blockchain and 5G to build a new model of intelligent operation and maintenance, and strive to improve the competitiveness of wind power. The fourth is to accelerate the construction of a green new energy system. The industry should deploy a green industrial system in advance, and explore new formats for the recycling and reuse of blades, gearboxes and lubricants. Fifth, promote international cooperation with standards, focus on building a standardization system, and condense the results of standardization.

As the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference is about to be held, the important role and challenges of wind power in the global response to climate change has become a hot topic at the 2021 Beijing International Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition. To this end, the conference specially set up "Forum 1: NPC Deputies & CPPCC Members Talks COP26". The forum was chaired by Li Junfeng, the first director of the National Center for Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation and executive director of the China Energy Research Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, a member of the Environment and Resource Protection Committee, and a vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Science and Technology Strategic Consulting Institute. Chairman and Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development Wang Yi; UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Special Representative for Climate Change Nick Bridge; Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) CEO Ben Backwell; Xinjiang Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman WISCO , Zhang Chuanwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Mingyang Group, and Cao Renxian, Chairman of Sunshine Power Co., Ltd. discussed topics related to climate change. 

Wang Yi, Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, Member of the Environment and Resources Protection Committee, Vice President of the Institute of Science and Technology Strategic Consulting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development, delivered a keynote speech on "The Role of Wind Power in Global Coping with Climate Change" . 

The Special Representative for Climate Change of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Nick Bridge, delivered a keynote speech. 

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) CEO Ben Backwell delivered a keynote speech. 

Wang Yi, Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, Member of the Environment and Resources Protection Committee, Vice President of the Institute of Science and Technology Strategic Consulting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development, Chairman of Xinjiang Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. Wuhan Iron and Steel, Mingyang Group Zhang Chuanwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman, and Cao Renxian, Chairman of Sunshine Power Co., Ltd. participated in the summit dialogue.

The guests fully affirmed the role of wind power in addressing global climate change, and believed that the following issues should be addressed: First, how to further develop wind power under the carbon neutrality goal, which requires wind power to extensively absorb various aspects. Based on the development achievements of the party, it has made continuous progress in materials, technology, and digitalization, further reduced the cost, better coordinated with various energy utilization methods such as solar energy, and played a good role in substitution and transformation. Second, the large-scale development of wind power still faces many technical challenges. The fundamental problem of economy and scale is the technical problem. This requires further solutions to problems such as ocean engineering, resource utilization capacity, large-scale application of power transmission technology, and large-scale wind turbine technology. Third, the development of decentralized wind power requires policy encouragement and mechanism innovation. To lower the carbon index, wind power usage scenarios need to be more diversified, from centralized large-area to decentralized wind power development, connecting villages and parks. To this end, it is necessary to further crack the policy bottleneck, solve the problems of people's interests, land and access, make customized solutions for equipment, and innovate development models. Fourth, how to resolve the conflict between wind power development and land. In the process of social and economic development, the land type will not change in the short term, which has not been fully considered in the early stage of wind power development. It requires governments at all levels to have a resilient thinking, respect the objective laws in the process of transformation and development, and form a consensus. In the context of striving to achieve low-carbon transformation, fully consider new development factors and solve the land problem.

The ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee held in March this year proposed to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, implement renewable energy alternative actions, deepen the reform of the power system, and build a new power system with new energy as the main body. What role will wind power play in the new power system? At the "Forum II: New Power System and Wind Power" hosted by Ma Suoming, Vice President of Beijing Enterprises Clean Energy Group Co., Ltd., Bi Yaxiong, Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. , Liu Jinsong, Deputy Director of the Development Planning Department of State Grid Corporation of China; Zhang Yunzhou, Chairman (President) of State Grid Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd.; Wang Yongliang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Beijing Energy Group Co., Ltd.; Wu Jinhua, Coordinator and Director of Industrial Collaboration and Service Center, Zhang Xiaochao, Deputy Director of New Energy Business Department of China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., Liu Zi, Party Committee Member and Deputy General Manager of China Three Gorges New Energy (Group) Co., Ltd., Deputy Director of Hitachi ABB Power Grids China Yue Chengyan, president and head of grid access HVDC business, discussed the construction of a new power system together. 

Bi Yaxiong, Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech on "The Coordinated Development of New Power Systems and Offshore Wind Power under the Dual-Carbon Goal". 

Liu Jinsong, Deputy Director of the Development Planning Department of State Grid Corporation of China, delivered a keynote speech on "New Energy Cloud Service Dual Carbon and Wind Power Development". 

Zhang Yunzhou, Chairman (President) of State Grid Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech on "Revolutionary Impact of New Power Systems". 

Wang Yongliang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Beijing Energy Group Co., Ltd., Wu Jinhua, Chief Coordinator of Thermal Power and Electric Power Collaborative Industry of State Power Investment Corporation, Director of Industrial Collaboration and Service Center, Zhang Xiaochao, Deputy Director of New Energy Division of China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., China Three Gorges Corporation Liu Zi, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of New Energy (Group) Co., Ltd., and Yue Chengyan, Vice President of Hitachi ABB Power Grids China and Head of Grid Access HVDC Business, participated in the summit dialogue.

The participants believed that to build a new power system, it is necessary to vigorously develop wind power, but also to achieve mutual support and comprehensive utilization of various energy sources, and work together from the power generation side, the grid side, and the user side. The new type of power system in the future will be a system of AC/DC hybrid, coordinated control of large power grid and micro power grid, which puts forward higher requirements for the individualization and intelligence of the power grid. Electronic and digital technology equipment control to improve the availability of wind power. With the development of innovative technologies, the competitive advantage of wind power in new power systems will be further enhanced, with greater development space, especially for offshore wind power. 

In order to further expand the "circle of friends" of wind power, to establish extensive cooperative relations with local governments, industrial parks, high-energy-consuming industries, financial institutions and other industries, and to become their "partners" to achieve carbon neutrality, October 17 On the morning of 2019, the "Wind Power Partners · Zero-Carbon City Fumei Rural Action" event was held. The event was jointly launched by more than 600 wind power companies from 118 cities. At the meeting, some regions introduced their own development experience, and the participants also released action plans, proposing to "support the zero-carbon process of urban industrial fields", "help rural revitalization and promote common prosperity", and "develop affordable offshore wind power to help coastal cities achieve carbon neutrality". and "explore new paths for green development and jointly build a 100% green power consumption demonstration city", "increase understanding, deepen cooperation, and build a new ecology for healthy development". The "Wind Power Partnership Action Zero-Carbon City Fumei Village" action will serve as a long-term sustainable open cooperation platform, and is committed to building a model of China's zero-carbon development of cities and the construction of rich and beautiful villages. 

The annual 2021 Beijing International Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition provides a platform for the government, industry, academia and research community to discuss and discuss industrial development plans. More than ten high-end forums gather the hottest topics and opinions of celebrities; the exhibitions held in the same period showcase cutting-edge technologies and latest products, allowing participants to enjoy a feast of ideas and vision.