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Hydrogen energy boosts future industrial development

Time:2021/12/22 16:36:32    Tag:Hydrogen energy, green hydrogen, low carbon, decarbonization, hydrogen energy storage

Under the benign guidance of the policy, the development of the hydrogen energy industry has gradually accelerated.

    The "14th Five-Year Plan" and the Outline of Vision 2035 proposes that in the fields of cutting-edge technology and industrial transformation such as hydrogen energy and energy storage, organize the implementation of the future industry incubation and acceleration plan, and plan the layout of a number of future industries.

    What is the future industry? Some experts and scholars have proposed that the future industry has four outstanding characteristics: original technology leadership, strong ecological attributes, challenging existing regulations and explosive growth. From the perspective of the development trend of global and domestic technology industries, the current focus of competition for future technologies and industries mainly focuses on six aspects including "new energy and new materials".

    Grab the energy track and lay out a low-carbon future. Hydrogen energy has become a general in the "future industry". Starting from the transportation industry, to help the low-carbon development of the construction and chemical industry, it is urgent to use hydrogen to make steel, and hydrogen medicine has entered the public eye...

    In 2001, my country began to deploy hydrogenation and vehicle fuel cells. Since 2009, my country's fuel cell vehicles and electric vehicles have enjoyed financial subsidies together. In 2014, my country issued a separate subsidy for hydrogen refueling stations. Since 2018, the subsidies for fuel cell vehicles and new energy vehicles have been different. When reducing subsidies for other new energy vehicles, my country still maintains the original subsidy support for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

    In April 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the "Energy Technology Revolution Innovation Action Plan (2016-2030)", proposing a roadmap for key innovations in the energy technology revolution, and deploying 15 specific tasks, including hydrogen The energy industry is included in the national energy strategy. The following year, the National Energy Administration approved a number of hydrogen energy storage projects by abandoning wind and solar energy. In January 2018, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China listed "renewable energy and hydrogen energy technology" as a key project, and actively supported research.

    In 2019, hydrogen energy was written into the "Government Work Report" for the first time, clearly "promoting the construction of charging, hydrogenation and other facilities". In March of the same year, the Ministry of Finance and other four ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Notice on Further Improving the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles", pointing out that local governments should improve policies and no longer provide new energy vehicles (new energy buses and fuel cells after the transition period). Excluding automobiles) to provide purchase subsidies, which will be used to support the construction of "short boards" of charging (hydrogenation) infrastructure and supporting operation services.

    Guided by technological innovation and based on kinetic energy conversion. In the field of electric power, green hydrogen can be used to produce hydrogen from renewable energy, which is not only an important support for realizing a high proportion of renewable energy, but also the best choice for deep decarbonization in power generation, transportation, construction and other fields. On the other hand, hydrogen energy storage can provide auxiliary services and increase grid resilience; hydrogen fuel cells can also be used in areas such as combined heat and power. Obviously, the construction of an electric hydrogen energy system plays a pivotal role in realizing the goal of "carbon neutrality" in my country, and will become one of the important ways to build a modern energy system.

    The top-level design is about to come out, and the whole industry chain of upstream, midstream and downstream is developing in an all-round way. The future industry has moved to a new height, and the hydrogen energy industry has injected strong kinetic energy. (Source: Hydrogen Energy Observation Zhang Ying)