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National Energy Administration: Study and formulate hydrogen energy industry development plan

Time:2022/2/25 15:08:04    Tag:Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Planning Power Assembly Transformation Ecological Civilization

On February 24, the official website of the National Energy Administration released the "Letter on the Reply to Proposals No. 0429 and No. B097 of the Fourth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference" (hereinafter referred to as the "Reply"). 


The "Reply" pointed out that the "Proposal on Accelerating the Promotion of Energy Structure Adjustment" and "Proposal on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Electric Power Equipment to Help Achieve the Carbon Neutrality Target" put forward by the relevant CPPCC committees have been received. and the Ministry of Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

In terms of hydrogen energy, the "Reply" pointed out that under the requirements of carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, ecological civilization construction and other goals, the need for scientific and technological innovation in my country's energy transformation is more urgent than ever. Strengthen the research on cutting-edge technologies such as energy storage and hydrogen energy, carry out concentrated research on key new energy storage technologies, and promote the continuous reduction of energy storage costs and large-scale applications. Reduce the cost of hydrogen production through technological progress. Support CCUS technology research and development and the construction of demonstration projects, especially the realization of carbon dioxide full-process integration, large-scale supercritical pipeline transportation, long-term safety monitoring and other technology application demonstrations under different geological conditions, promote the early realization of large-scale commercial application of CCUS technology, and explore the BECCS demonstrations should be carried out in areas with good resources and storage support conditions.

The original text is as follows:

Letter on Reply to Proposals No. 0429 and No. B097 of the Fourth Session of the Thirteenth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Guonengti Planning [2021] No. 4

The "Proposal on Accelerating the Adjustment of the Energy Structure" and "Proposal on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Electric Power Equipment to Help Achieve the Carbon Neutrality Target" have been received. After consulting the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the reply is as follows:

my country's carbon emissions from energy activities account for about 88% of the total carbon dioxide emissions. Accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy structure is the key to promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. In recent years, we have adhered to Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization as the fundamental principle, fully implemented the new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation", coordinated ecological environmental protection and energy development, and achieved positive results in the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system . The ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee emphasized that "the 14th Five-Year Plan is a critical period and a window period for carbon peaking" and "the green and low-carbon development of energy is the key". In the next step, we will thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's major announcements and instructions on addressing climate change, and fully implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The "14th Five-Year Plan" energy plan was formulated, and the adjustment of energy structure was accelerated.

1. About strengthening the total amount control and promoting the green transformation of coal production and consumption

In recent years, we have implemented the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Strengthening Ecological Environmental Protection and Resolutely Fighting the Tough Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control" and the "Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War". The Ministry and other departments have solidly promoted the reduction and replacement of coal consumption and the clean and efficient utilization of coal. Vigorously eliminate backward coal production capacity, reduce excess production capacity, and implement renewable energy and clean energy such as natural gas and electricity to replace coal consumption, driving the proportion of coal consumption to drop significantly to 56.8% in 2020. 100 million kilowatts of coal-fired power units have achieved ultra-low emissions, built the world's largest clean coal-fired power supply system, and replaced more than 25 million households with scattered coal in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas and the Fenwei Plain. Promote the construction of green mines, and build 9 green mining development demonstration zones and 284 green mines.

In the next step, we will focus on coal to control fossil energy consumption. Strictly control coal power projects, strictly control the growth of coal consumption during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and gradually reduce it during the "15th Five-Year Plan" period. In the fields of clean heating, industrial production, agricultural production and processing, and building cooling and heating, the “coal-to-electricity”, “coal-to-gas” and “coal-to-biomass” projects will be promoted in an orderly manner according to local conditions, and the level of low-carbon electrification of end-use energy will be improved. , greatly reducing the consumption of loose coal. Continue to promote clean heating in winter in the northern region, reduce the demand for coal for heating, promote the transformation of cogeneration and comprehensive utilization of industrial waste heat and pressure, encourage public institutions and residents to use non-coal-fired high-efficiency heating products, and gradually phase out the heating system within the coverage of the heating pipe network. Coal-fired small boilers and loose coal. Comprehensively and deeply expand the substitution of electric energy, vigorously promote the clean substitution of coal-fired self-provided power plants, and actively promote technologies such as electric boilers, electric kilns, electric irrigation and drainage, and electric heating in key industries such as iron and steel, foundry, glass, ceramics, and agriculture. The proportion of terminal energy consumption is about 30%.

2. About accelerating structural transformation and building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system

Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, we have vigorously developed non-fossil energy, continued to optimize the energy structure, and achieved remarkable results in the low-carbon transition. More than 60% of the incremental energy consumption is supplied by clean energy. In 2020, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption in my country will reach 15.9%, and the installed capacity of hydropower, wind power, solar power, and nuclear power will reach 370 million kilowatts, 280 million kilowatts, 250 million kilowatts, and 50 million kilowatts, respectively. The installed capacity of non-fossil energy power generation ranks first in the world. one. Promote the transformation of energy consumption in key industries and fields. Develop green and energy-saving buildings, and issue the "Technical Standards for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings" and "Evaluation Standards for Green Buildings". Strengthen the management of industrial energy conservation, continuously release the "National Recommended Catalogue of Industrial Energy Conservation Technology and Equipment" and "Product Catalogue of "Energy Efficiency Stars", and implement special energy conservation supervision on 24,000 enterprises across the country. Implement the green travel action plan, accelerate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, and promote green freight demonstration projects.

Focus on the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and implement the requirements of the ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee "focusing on green and low-carbon development of energy". During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, we will adhere to ecological priority and green and low-carbon development. We will accelerate the adjustment of the energy structure, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy production and consumption patterns. On the one hand, focus on strengthening the supply of clean energy, vigorously develop non-fossil energy, implement renewable energy alternative actions, and build a new power system with new energy as the main body. Adhere to both centralized and distributed development, vigorously develop wind power and solar power, and achieve a total installed capacity of more than 1.2 billion kilowatts in 2030. Speed up the construction of hydropower bases in Southwest China. On the premise of ensuring safety, actively and orderly promote the construction of coastal nuclear power. At the same time, according to local conditions, promote the development and utilization of other renewable energy sources such as biomass energy and geothermal energy. Promoting multi-energy complementary development such as wind-solar-storage integration and wind-solar-water (storage) integration according to local conditions. Improve the clean energy power consumption guarantee mechanism, and systematically solve the consumption problem. Strive for non-fossil energy to account for about 20% of primary energy consumption in 2025, and about 25% in 2030. On the other hand, efforts should be made to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key energy-consuming industries and fields. Strengthen energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement in the industrial field, promote green manufacturing, and promote the application of advanced and applicable energy-saving technology and equipment products. Guide pilot cities to develop green cities, promote the development of green buildings, incorporate the basic requirements of green buildings into mandatory specifications for engineering construction, strengthen building energy conservation management, and promote the improvement of energy efficiency in public buildings and the development of ultra-low energy and near-zero energy buildings. Build a green and low-carbon transportation system, optimize and adjust the transportation structure, vigorously develop multimodal transportation, and promote medium- and long-distance transportation of bulk goods from "revolution to rail" and "revolution to water". Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement in new infrastructure fields such as data centers and 5G communication base stations, and promote the construction of green data centers.

3. On increasing technological innovation and building a solid foundation for carbon neutrality

After years of development, my country has initially established a “four-in-one” energy technology innovation system of major technology research and development, major equipment research and development, major demonstration projects, and technological innovation platforms, which strongly supports the transformation and development of clean and low-carbon energy. Wind power and photovoltaic technologies are generally at the international advanced level, and the output and installed capacity of wind turbines and photovoltaic cells ranks first in the world. The 10-megawatt offshore wind turbine has been hoisted. The highest conversion efficiency of crystalline silicon cells and thin-film cells has set world records for many times, and the average conversion efficiency of mass-produced mono-polycrystalline cells has reached 22.8% and 19.4% respectively. The solar thermal power generation technology has entered the commercial demonstration stage. The hydropower engineering construction capacity and the design and manufacturing capacity of a million kilowatt-class hydropower unit set lead the world. A relatively complete nuclear power equipment industry system has been formed. Comprehensively master the transmission technology of 1000 kV AC, ±1100 kV DC and below. Organize and carry out carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) related technology research and pilot demonstrations.

Under the requirements of carbon peak carbon neutrality and ecological civilization construction, my country's energy transition has a more urgent need for scientific and technological innovation than ever before. In the next step, we will continue to consolidate and enhance the technological advantages of wind power and photovoltaics, accelerate technological innovations such as large-scale wind turbines, far-reaching offshore wind power, high-efficiency photovoltaic cells, and solar thermal power generation, and promote the industrialization of marine natural gas hydrate. Strengthen the research on cutting-edge technologies such as energy storage and hydrogen energy, carry out concentrated research on key new energy storage technologies, and promote the continuous reduction of energy storage costs and large-scale applications. Reduce the cost of hydrogen production through technological progress. Support CCUS technology research and development and the construction of demonstration projects, especially the realization of carbon dioxide full-process integration, large-scale supercritical pipeline transportation, long-term safety monitoring and other technology application demonstrations under different geological conditions, promote the early realization of large-scale commercial application of CCUS technology, and explore the BECCS demonstrations should be carried out in areas with good resources and storage support conditions.

Thank you for your concern and understanding of national energy work, and hope to receive more support and guidance from you in the future.