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CPU Hydrogen expects that there will be waves of

Time:2022/2/28 16:41:32    Tag:Hydrogen energy, drive, era, large-scale new energy consumption, scenery, renewable energy

Recently, the "14th Five-Year Plan" New Energy Storage Development Implementation Plan was issued. Hydrogen energy has been mentioned many times in the plan. The plan also clearly proposes to explore the use of renewable energy to produce hydrogen and support large-scale new energy delivery.


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In the future, in the desert or the Gobi, the warm light and roaring wind may turn into a gentle "hydrogen" wind, which will cross thousands of rivers and mountains, cross provinces and regions, and blow into our lives.

Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water, cost reduction is the key

Under the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, my country's photovoltaic and other renewable energy industries have developed rapidly, laying a solid foundation for reducing electricity prices.

According to the national new energy grid-connected consumption from January to December 2021 released by the National New Energy Consumption Monitoring and Early Warning Center, in the whole year of 2021, Tibet and Qinghai will have more serious solar abandonment, with photovoltaic utilization rates of 80.2% and 86.2%, respectively. The cost of photovoltaic kWh has dropped to 0.2 yuan/kWh (data source: China Galaxy Securities). 


Using water electrolysis technology, the energy conversion from electricity to hydrogen can be realized, creating new application scenarios and broad market demand for renewable electricity.

"Hydrogen" enters many fields to help carbon neutrality

The unit mass of hydrogen contains high heat, and only water is the product when it is burned, so it is a very environmentally friendly energy carrier.

In the face of increasingly urgent environmental protection pressure, hydrogen energy has bright development prospects. Coal chemical industry, petrochemical industry, iron and steel metallurgy, transportation, energy and power and other fields are increasingly regarded as the key medium for decarbonization. 


However, at present, the degree of industrialization of all aspects of hydrogen energy is still low, and further large-scale development is required.

On February 10, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Opinions on Improving the System, Mechanism and Policy Measures for Energy Green and Low-Carbon Transformation". Regarding hydrogen energy, it was proposed to explore hydrogen-mixed gas pipeline transportation, pure hydrogen pipeline transportation, liquid hydrogen transportation, etc. Efficient hydrogen transmission methods; explore the establishment of hydrogen energy production, supply, storage and sales systems, etc.

As hydrogen energy plays an increasingly important role in the "carbon neutrality" strategy, the use of green energy to produce hydrogen will also become an important energy infrastructure in the future.

CPUH2, system hydrogen production scheme

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, but it generally exists in the form of hydrocarbons, and its large-scale application cannot be separated from the artificial production of hydrogen.

As an efficient, clean and ideal secondary energy, large-scale and cheap hydrogen production is one of the important links in the development and utilization of hydrogen energy.

In the water electrolysis industry, alkaline water electrolysis has obvious advantages and is a mature means to achieve large-scale hydrogen production. 



CPU Hydrogen inherits the tradition and innovates at the same time, adopts new diaphragm materials, optimizes the current density, and realizes the production of hydrogen with lower energy consumption.

We have professional equipment manufacturing experience, based on the development of a new type of hydrogen production system with small size, low cost, low energy consumption, high electrical density, full automation, and dynamic action capability, we can match the hydrogen production system according to actual application scenarios, and create customer-specific plan.

"Hydrogen Energy Driven Era", CPU Hydrogen looks forward to working with you to achieve a win-win future!