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Senior industry in the new energy industry: distributed photovoltaic distribution and storage has great prospects

Time:2022/3/25 9:35:41    Tag:Energy storage, hydrogen, photovoltaic, installed capacity, cost reduction, carbon reduction, emissi

Energy storage is an indispensable resource for flexibility regulation in the power system. How the energy storage system is constructed and used affects the progress of power structure adjustment to a certain extent. In recent years, the development momentum of distributed photovoltaics has been rapid, and the installed capacity has risen rapidly, promoting the combination of distributed photovoltaics and decentralized energy storage. It can become a virtual power plant, and through integrated dispatching, control and management, the power system is more flexible and flexible. At the same time, the combination of distributed photovoltaics and energy storage can play functions such as power conservation, energy cost reduction, carbon reduction and emission reduction on the user side, thereby easing energy storage costs and promoting the healthy development of the energy storage industry.

The latest statistics from the National Energy Administration show that in 2021, the new grid-connected capacity of photovoltaic power generation nationwide will reach 54.88 million kilowatts, a year-on-year increase of 88.39%, and the proportion of newly installed power generation capacity will increase to 55%. Among them, the new grid-connected capacity of centralized photovoltaics reached 25.6 million kilowatts, and the new grid-connected capacity of distributed photovoltaics reached 29.279 million kilowatts. So far, the cumulative installed capacity of distributed photovoltaics in China has reached 108 million kilowatts, accounting for 1/3 of the photovoltaic grid-connected installed capacity.

As we all know, new energy power generation is fluctuating, intermittent and unstable. With the continuous growth of the installed scale of grid-connected new energy, the power grid has an increasingly urgent need for flexible adjustment resources. The latest research results of the State Grid Corporation of China show that under the influence of factors such as national power balance, power balance, new energy consumption, extreme weather, etc., and the flexibility of thermal power units should be improved as much as possible, and pumped storage power stations should be built. Under the premise of building as much as possible and only considering intraday adjustments, by 2030, the installed scale of new energy storage needs to reach 150 million kilowatts. Therefore, more than 20 provinces (autonomous regions) across the country have issued relevant policies, requiring that new large-scale new energy stations must be equipped with 5%-20% of energy storage, and the duration varies from 1-4 hours. However, judging from the energy storage projects built in various places in 2021, the effect is not satisfactory. Some investors admitted frankly that the new energy storage station is equipped with energy storage according to the policy, just to obtain the grid connection index of the power generation project, and does not consider the function and quality of the energy storage station. So far, the problem of strong allocation of energy storage has gradually been exposed:

Mandatory construction of energy storage power stations increases the investment cost of new energy projects, reduces the economics of projects, affects the enthusiasm of investors, delays the progress of project implementation, slows down the development speed of new energy industry, and is not conducive to carbon emissions. The peak carbon neutrality target was achieved.

Mandatory energy storage power stations do not have a clear source of income, and construction costs cannot be effectively channeled, which leads to vicious market competition during bidding for energy storage equipment, and even “the one with the lowest price wins.” In order to reduce the cost, the bidder will reduce the configuration, and even use the inventory battery and decommissioned battery, and the phenomenon of "good money drives out bad money" occurs, which brings security risks and is not conducive to the healthy and orderly development of the energy storage industry and technological improvement.

In addition, after the construction of the mandatory energy storage power station is completed, there is no clear calling mechanism and reasonable value assessment method, the number of energy storage calls cannot be guaranteed, and the equipment utilization rate is not high, resulting in waste of flexible adjustment resources and assets.

In contrast, distributed photovoltaics and distributed energy storage have the following advantages:

Distributed photovoltaic energy storage can build a small micro-grid system on the user side, enhance the friendliness of photovoltaic grid connection, and improve the self-consumption rate of photovoltaics. In the case of abnormal power supply such as power cuts, power outages, and natural disasters, users can turn on the off-grid state to ensure important or basic load requirements. Distributed photovoltaics with energy storage will help ease the construction costs of energy storage systems, and make investors pay more attention to the functions of energy storage itself, such as carbon emission reduction, peak shaving, emergency backup, black start, and "power quality management" at the end of power supply. Value, help users save energy costs and other power equipment input costs.

At the same time, distributed photovoltaic energy storage can be combined with business scenarios such as power sales, charging, power exchange, and load management to realize the integrated development of user-side source, network, load and storage, and realize the self-coupling of energy in the region, which is conducive to revitalizing social capital and cultivating New business models under new scenarios to promote high-quality development of energy consumption.

In addition, distributed photovoltaic energy storage is conducive to improving the flexibility and security of the power grid, and promotes "mainly renewable energy and clean energy power generation (accounting for more than 70%-80%), the combination of backbone power and distributed power, and the The power system construction and development of the combination of power grid with local distribution network and micro-grid”. By aggregating a large number of distributed photovoltaic, energy storage and other flexible adjustment resources, constructing virtual power plants, encouraging users to explore energy flexibility and demand response enthusiasm through market-oriented means, enhancing the adjustment ability of the power system, saving grid investment, and providing energy for the grid. Make supplements and build a new power system that is "indestructible, indestructible, and economically strong".

Distributed photovoltaics with energy storage have received explicit support from some places. At the end of 2021, the Guangdong Provincial Energy Bureau clearly gave the load aggregators, including electricity sales companies and third-party independent subject aggregators, the status of market players in the "Letter on Requesting Opinions on the Implementation Plan of Market-oriented Demand Response in Guangdong Province and Trading Rules". The document stipulates that for the direct-controlled virtual power plant aggregated by energy storage resources, in principle, the daily dispatch plan should be arranged in accordance with "two charging and two discharging", and the daily peak duration should not be less than 4 hours, and clarifies various situations. The lower transaction price, which to a certain extent guarantees the income of the virtual power plant. In January 2022, the Zaozhuang City Distributed Photovoltaic Development and Construction Specifications jointly issued by the Zaozhuang City Energy Bureau, Zaozhuang City Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau and Zaozhuang Power Supply Company clearly stated that new distributed photovoltaics should be “according to 15% of the installed capacity. -30%, with a duration of 2-4 hours to configure energy storage facilities, or lease shared energy storage facilities of the same capacity", which provides a policy basis for the scale of distributed photovoltaic supporting construction of energy storage.

It is foreseeable that with the pilot projects in some regions and the promotion after achieving remarkable results, there will be a broad market space for distributed photovoltaics with energy storage. (The author is a senior in the new energy power generation and energy storage industry)