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Time:2022/3/29 16:15:01    Tag:Transformation of energy structure, supply guarantee capability, coal, natural gas, crude oil, power

Just now, the National Energy Administration issued the "Guiding Opinions on Energy Work in 2022", with the main goals:

· Enhance supply security capabilities.

The country's total energy production is about 4.41 billion tons of standard coal, about 200 million tons of crude oil, and 214 billion cubic meters of natural gas. To ensure sufficient power supply, the installed power capacity will reach about 2.6 billion kilowatts, the power generation capacity will reach about 9.07 trillion kilowatt-hours, the new peak power generation capacity will be over 80 million kilowatts, and the power transmission capacity of "West-East Power Transmission" will reach about 290 million kilowatts.

· Steady progress in structural transformation.

The proportion of coal consumption has steadily declined, the proportion of non-fossil energy in total energy consumption has increased to about 17.3%, the new electric energy has replaced about 180 billion kWh of electricity, and the proportion of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in the total electricity consumption has reached about 12.2% .


The original text is as follows: 

Notice of the National Energy Administration on Printing and Distributing the "Guiding Opinions on Energy Work in 2022"

National Energy Development Plan [2022] No. 31 

Energy bureaus of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, all dispatched agencies, China National Nuclear Corporation, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, National Pipeline Network, State Grid, Southern Power Grid, China Huaneng, China Datang, China Huadian, State Power Investment Corporation, China Three Gorges Corporation, State Energy Corporation, SDIC, China Resources Group, China Coal Group, China General Nuclear Power:

In order to thoroughly implement the relevant decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, do a solid job in energy work in 2022, and continue to promote high-quality energy development, the National Energy Administration has researched and formulated the "Guiding Opinions on Energy Work in 2022", which are hereby released. The actual situation of each unit will be implemented well, and the implementation will be notified to our bureau before the end of December 2022. 

