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Twelve provincial energy development

Time:2022/6/14 9:15:49    Tag:planning,hydrogen energy,New energy application,electricity

In recent days, the provincial energy development plan developed "difference", according to incomplete statistics, so far, a total of 12 provincial energy release planning "difference", including Beijing, Shanghai, guangdong, shandong, jiangxi, zhejiang, tianjin, sichuan, hubei, qinghai, gansu, Inner Mongolia, etc., in the planning of the hydrogen were included.

Details as follows:

The 14th Five-year Plan of Energy Development in Hubei Province

On May 19, 2022, the People's Government of Hubei Province issued the "14th Five-year Plan" for Energy Development in Hubei Province, in which hydrogen energy points out: actively explore the development and utilization of hydrogen energy. We will focus on hydrogen production, storage and transportation, refueling, fuel cells and other core links of the hydrogen energy industry chain, and promote r&d of basic frontier and generic key technologies and equipment. Encourage the proton exchange membrane fuel cell, solid oxide fuel cell power generation technology and distributed energy system, the construction of green renewable energy electricity hydrogen production, hydrogen production, large-scale industrial exhaust hydrogen purification, key equipment such as hydrogen source ChuGong hydrogen supply and form a complete set of equipment manufacturing project, to speed up the load of the hydrogen in the transportation, industry, energy storage, distributed power in the fields of application, Hydrogenation stations and other supporting hydrogen energy supply infrastructure will be planned.

Reform and innovation deepened. Solid progress was made in the reform of delegating power, delegating power, improving regulation, and providing services, and the comprehensive implementation of the "one-stop network" program was fully implemented. Oversight was strengthened during and after business operations, and the energy sector governance initially shifted from focusing on project approval to placing equal emphasis on planning, policy, oversight, and services. A complete hydrogen energy development pattern of "R&D + hydrogen production + storage and transportation + application" has taken shape, with 12 hydrogenation stations built and 210 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles promoted and applied.

The 14th Five-year Plan of Energy Development in Zhejiang Province

On May 19, 2022, Zhejiang Provincial People's Government issued the "14th Five-year Plan" for Energy Development in Zhejiang Province, in which hydrogen energy points out: promote the application of hydrogen energy and other new energy. We will promote the application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in urban public transportation, ports and intercity logistics, and plan to build nearly 50 hydrogenation stations by 2025. Explore the application of hydrogen fuel cell cogeneration system. We will make good use of industrial hydrogen byproducts and other resources in the province, and explore ways to pilot hydrogen production from wind power, photovoltaic and other renewable energy sources. Strengthen the advantages of hydrogen production upstream of the hydrogen energy industry chain, cultivate the hydrogen production industry of renewable energy, and extend the development of hydrogen storage, transportation and refueling industries. Efforts have been made to formulate local and industrial standards for hydrogen energy utilization, energy storage, energy efficiency and power demand side management.

We will make breakthroughs in a number of key core technologies. In the fields of renewable energy development, hydrogen energy, energy storage, energy conservation and emission reduction, it focuses on making breakthroughs in key core technologies such as photovoltaic modules, gas turbines, far-reaching sea breeze electricity, hydrogen energy production, storage and transportation, electrochemical energy storage, carbon dioxide capture, storage and utilization. Relying on the National Green Technology Trading Center to promote transformation and application.

We will promote development of the energy equipment industry. We will fully support the sustainable development of wind power, photovoltaic, energy storage, hydrogen and other energy equipment industries, and encourage enterprises to transform from mere equipment manufacturers to comprehensive service providers. Give full play to the advantages of the complete photovoltaic industry chain in our province and complement the short board of the wind power industry chain. Promote the development of safe, efficient and green new electrochemical energy storage industry, and build an industrial chain of retired power battery recovery and energy storage reuse. Strengthen the advantages of hydrogen production upstream of the hydrogen energy industry chain, cultivate the hydrogen production industry of renewable energy, and extend the development of hydrogen storage, transportation and refueling industries.

Implementing a number of engineering projects. Create a batch of "scenery water storage" integration base. Support zhoushan to build a clean energy green conversion hub, and encourage the construction of near zero carbon/zero carbon emission projects in areas with better foundations in the free trade pilot zone. Near zero carbon future city (park) will be built around the nuclear power base. To explore the construction of a number of comprehensive stations with functions such as natural gas, energy storage, hydrogen energy and rapid charging and replacing of electricity.

Energy Development Plan of Jiangxi Province during the 14th Five-year Plan period

On May 17, 2022, Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the "14th Five-year Plan" for Energy Development, in which hydrogen energy pointed out that new energy utilization methods such as hydrogen energy and power-generation side energy storage should be encouraged. Strengthen the new energy and incremental, charging pile, such as the hydrogen distribution network integration development, promote the new energy of support and energy storage depth fusion micro grid application demonstration projects, "landscape (water) storage integration" and "source network charge storage integration" demonstration projects, green energy demonstration county (district), comprehensive wisdom to build a new energy demonstration projects and other energy forms the new project. In newly energy-using areas, we will coordinate the development of traditional energy with wind, solar and biomass energy in light of local conditions, optimize the layout of infrastructure such as electricity, gas, heat, cooling and energy storage, and achieve complementary and coordinated supply of multiple energy sources. We will expand the application of hydrogen energy in energy storage, power generation, industry and other fields, explore and time hydrogen energy storage and transportation systems, and explore and cultivate a new integrated application model of "solar power generation + hydrogen energy storage".

Shanghai Energy Development "14th Five-year Plan"

On April 17, 2022, Shanghai Municipal People's Government issued the 14th Five-year Plan of Shanghai Energy Development, in which hydrogen energy points out:

We will promote clean and low-carbon energy development by launching new energy circuits. To develop offshore wind turbines of 10 MW or above and key components with independent intellectual property rights. We will promote the development of new high-efficiency crystalline silicon cells and accelerate the research and development of new generation photovoltaic cells such as perovskite. We will step up efforts in key technologies such as fuel cell system integration and control, high-pressure and liquid hydrogen storage, and focus on building a demonstration zone for development cooperation between China and Japan (Shanghai). Support the development of energy storage technologies with low cost, high safety and long life, and actively research new energy storage technologies. Explore the development of tidal energy, wave energy and other new energy sources.

We will encourage the deep integration of digital technologies such as 5G and cloud computing with energy, tap the potential of big data in energy, and promote the development of "Internet Plus" smart energy. We will speed up the construction of new terminals focusing on charging facilities. We will build 200,000 new charging facilities and build more than 45 taxi charging stations to support the development of electric vehicles. Enhance the core functions of city-level platforms for charging facilities, realize the interconnection of charging facilities in the whole city, and further improve users' charging experience. According to the development needs of fuel cell industry, a number of hydrogenation stations will be arranged in lingang New Area, Jiading And Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone.

The 14th Five-year Plan of Energy Development in Guangdong Province

On April 13, 2022, The General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government issued the "14th Five-year Plan" for Energy Development in Guangdong Province, in which hydrogen energy points out:

We will vigorously develop competitive industries such as advanced nuclear energy, offshore wind power and solar energy and accelerate the development of emerging industries such as hydrogen energy, energy storage and smart energy.

Research on proton exchange membrane electrolysis of water for hydrogen production, hydrogen purification, low-temperature liquid hydrogen, and low-pressure solid hydrogen storage technologies will be carried out to accelerate the development of domestically produced catalysts, carbon paper, membrane electrodes and other key equipment for fuel cells.

To promote the r&d and demonstration application of low-carbon and zero-carbonization technologies for end energy consumption in various sectors, and to promote the r&d of key technologies for replacing electric energy and hydrogen energy.

Key cutting-edge technology demonstration projects include hydrogen energy: PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) Electrolytic water hydrogen Production Demonstration Project, MEGAwatt SOEC(solid oxide Electrolytic Cell) Electrolytic water hydrogen Production Demonstration Project, SOFC(solid oxide fuel Cell) Megawatt grade cold, heat and power supply demonstration project, high-performance fuel cell membrane electrode industrialization project, hydrogenation equipment and core components localization project, liquid hydrogen and hydrogen energy application demonstration project, etc.

We will actively foster emerging industries and develop the hydrogen energy industry. Through various channels to expand the hydrogen application market, focusing on the hydrogen core technology research and development and advanced equipment manufacturing, speed up the cultivation system of hydrogen storage, transport, fuel cell electric pile, key components and power system integration of the whole industry chain, layout of water electrolysis hydrogen production, hydrogen production from natural gas, industrial by-product hydrogen purification equipment manufacturing industry, to promote high density hydrogen storage equipment manufacturing, short-term to strengthen the construction of high pressure gaseous hydrogen storage, Long-term layout of low temperature liquid hydrogen and low pressure solid state hydrogen storage industry to take advantage of the regional first-mover advantage of low temperature hydrogen fuel cell industry to form the fuel cell industry cluster in the core area of Guangzhou-Shenzhou-Foshan - Greater Bay Area, based on the global leading advantage in the manufacturing of SOFC(solid oxide fuel cell) electrolyte diaphragm and other core components. Development of SOFC and distributed generation of complete sets of equipment, promotion of high temperature fuel cell has three cold hot electricity supply with demonstrations, support the construction of large civil liquid hydrogen demonstration project, promoting foshan (yunfu) industry transfer, guangzhou development zone, foshan nanhai fairy lake valley of hydrogen, foshan brillant, such as hydrogen fuel cells, industrial park construction, build guangshen high temperature fuel cell and system research and development manufacturing base, Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan and Yunfu hydrogen high-end equipment industrial cluster zones and Huizhou, Maoming, Dongguan and Zhanjiang hydrogen storage and transportation industrial cluster zones have been established.

Energy Development Plan of Beijing during the 14th Five-year Plan period

On April 1, 2022, Beijing Municipal People's Government issued the Energy Development Plan of Beijing during the 14th Five-year Plan period, which pointed out that by 2025, about 4,400 fuel vehicles will be replaced by hydrogen fuel cell tractors and trucks.

Hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cells. Focus on promoting technological progress and industrial scale and commercial development of the whole industry chain of hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell, and accelerate innovation and research and development of key technologies such as hydrogen preparation (manufacturing), storage, transportation and filling, and hydrogen fuel cell equipment and system integration. We will leverage the demonstration effect of major events such as the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, and accelerate the development of hydrogen energy infrastructure and the large-scale demonstration and application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. We will explore the demonstration and application of hydrogen energy in transportation, power generation, heating and other fields in all scenarios. We will explore key technologies such as ammonia fuel cells and ammonia energy engines, and promote the breakthrough and application of methanol to hydrogen fuel cell technologies.

We will focus on developing collaborative innovation platforms for hydrogen energy and key equipment for hydrogen fuel cells, new power systems, and the energy industry Internet. We will make breakthroughs in the application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, smart charging piles, and smart connected vehicles.

The Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone and Zhongguancun (Fangshan) Hydrogen Energy Industrial Park will be built at a high level, and a number of innovative demonstration sites for hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be built.

Tianjin Energy Development "14th Five-year Plan"

On February 19, 2022, Tianjin Municipal People's Government issued the 14th Five-year Plan for Tianjin Energy Development, in which hydrogen energy pointed out:

We will expand the channels for absorbing renewable energy, encourage local hydrogen production, refrigeration and heating of renewable energy power, and realize flexible conversion and utilization.

To develop the hydrogen energy industry. We will promote the development of the whole hydrogen energy industry chain, strengthen research on key technologies, pool superior scientific and technological resources, and build hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell innovation platforms to foster sustainable innovation capabilities for industrial development. To build the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei hydrogen resource supply base, effectively make use of industrial by-product hydrogen resources, develop renewable energy hydrogen production according to local conditions, expand diversified hydrogen production methods, and enhance the radiation power, influence and driving force of hydrogen production industry. We will accelerate the construction of hydrogenation facilities to provide guarantee for demonstration and promotion. Tianjin Port free Trade Zone and other areas as key carriers to build hydrogen energy demonstration industrial parks. Focus on key links of the hydrogen energy industry chain, attract leading enterprises and competitive enterprises to land projects, and form a whole industry chain covering manufacturing, storage, transportation, processing and use. A demonstration center for hydrogen energy application has been built, and more than 900 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles such as logistics trucks, forklifts and buses have been promoted. By 2025, a hydrogen energy industry ecosystem with integrated development of technology, industry and application will be basically built.

The hydrogen. Bohua Group's hydrogenation mother station has been completed and put into operation, at least 5 hydrogenation stations have been built in Binhai New Area, and hydrogenation stations have been built in other regions based on actual demand. Binhai New Area focuses on the demonstration operation of hydrogen fuel cell heavy trucks, logistics vehicles, forklifts and port machinery in tianjin Port Bonded Area and Tianjin Port area, and the city has promoted more than 900 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Focus on core equipment manufacturing such as fuel cell reactor, system integration and vehicle production, introduce and cultivate influential leading hydrogen energy enterprises at home and abroad, and improve the level of hydrogen energy equipment; We will build a national hydrogen fuel cell test and evaluation center and an industry standard pinghe, and promote the completion and operation of the New energy vehicle test Center project of Zhongqi Automobile Center.

Energy Development Plan of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the 14th Five-year Plan

On March 8, 2022, Inner Mongolia Energy Bureau issued the "14th Five-year Plan for Energy Technology Innovation and Development of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", in which hydrogen energy pointed out: vigorously promote the development of hydrogen production industry. Making full use of the abundant new energy resources in the Autonomous Region, based on the development of fengshan hydrogen storage industrial cluster, the renewable energy hydrogen production projects are arranged in baotou, Ordos, Wuhai and other areas with relatively clear hydrogen consumption markets in an integrated way of fengshan hydrogen production, and the large-scale development of renewable energy hydrogen production is promoted. By 2025, the annual production capacity of green hydrogen in the region will reach about 500,000 tons.

We will accelerate the development of hydrogen storage, transportation and infrastructure. On the basis of industrial development and hydrogen source security, and in accordance with the principle of moderation and advance, we will make scientific plans for the distribution of hydrogen stations, and speed up the construction of hydrogen storage and transportation and hydrogenation infrastructure. We will promote the layout and construction of urban and intercity public hydrogenation station networks in an orderly manner, and build public hydrogenation stations and other infrastructure in service areas where conditions permit, relying on the expressway network. We will carry out demonstrations of long-tube hydrogen transport with higher pressure and liquid hydrogen transport, improve the efficiency of hydrogen transport, carry out demonstrations of building and operating regional hydrogen transport networks at an appropriate time, and explore the construction of efficient and intelligent hydrogen transport networks. By 2025, 60 hydrogenation stations will be built.

We will accelerate the application of hydrogen energy. In view of the development needs of hydrogen energy industry, the promotion and application of hydrogen energy in transportation, metallurgy, power generation and other fields will be actively promoted to explore diversified applications of hydrogen energy. Support mining areas and industrial parks in Baotou, Ordos, Wuhai and other areas to carry out demonstration of hydrogen production from renewable energy and comprehensive application of hydrogen mining heavy trucks, focusing on heavy trucks with a load capacity of more than 31 tons. We will speed up the phase-out of fuel-powered vehicles in public areas such as urban public transport, municipal sanitation, postal logistics and airport buses, and encourage people's governments at all levels and public institutions to gradually increase the use of hydrogen vehicles. Actively explore the application of low-cost hydrogen energy as high-quality raw materials in steel, metallurgy, refining and chemical industries, and carry out hydrogen-metallurgy and hydrogen-chemical coupling utilization demonstration in Baotou and Ordos to effectively reduce fossil energy consumption in the industrial sector. We will deploy fuel cell combined heat and power generation systems in light of local conditions, explore and carry out hydrogen-centered demonstration of comprehensive energy use in industrial parks and mining areas, and carry out demonstration and application of distributed fuel cell power in remote rural and pastoral areas.

Energy Development Plan of Sichuan Province in the 14th Five-year Plan

On March 3, 2022, the Sichuan Provincial government issued the 14th Five-year Energy Development Plan of Sichuan Province. In terms of hydrogen energy, it is pointed out to promote the development of hydrogen energy and new energy storage industry. We will promote the development of emerging energy technologies and equipment, with the focus on hydrogen energy and new types of energy storage. We will establish technology research and development platforms focusing on key technologies, core materials, equipment manufacturing and other areas of weakness, and intensify efforts to tackle key technologies. We will coordinate with the national hydrogen energy plan, seize opportunities for future industrial development, coordinate the distribution of the hydrogen energy industry, and promote breakthroughs in hydrogen technology in the fields of preparation, storage, transportation, refueling, and application. We supported hydrogen demonstration projects in Chengdu, Panzhihua and Zigong, and explored the application of hydrogen fuel cells in multiple scenarios.

Energy Development Plan of Qinghai Province in the 14th Five-year Plan

On February 28, 2022, the People's Government of Qinghai Province issued the 14th Five-year Energy Development Plan of Qinghai Province, in which hydrogen energy points out: exploring and demonstrating green development technology utilization of hydrogen energy. Focusing on the research and development of hydrogen production technology from renewable energy, it will explore the application of hydrogen energy in electric power, industry, transportation, construction and other fields, and build a "green hydrogen" brand in Qinghai. We will carry out research on hydrogen technology for hydrogen production and storage from renewable energy sources, establish hydrogen storage and transportation networks, and promote trials of tankers, pipelines and other modes of transportation.