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The emphasis on decarbonization is accelerating the development of

Time:2022/6/24 9:50:16    Tag:green hydrogen, renewable energy,alkaline hydrolysis,Oxygen and hydrogen,electrolyzer

Droughts, storms, floods... A series of disasters caused by extreme weather have made people realize that environmental problems have become a major challenge for all mankind.

To cope with global warming caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, China has set a goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutral" by 2020, which will make a significant contribution to reducing global temperature.

To ensure the realization of the carbon peak target by 2030, top-level documents such as the Action Plan for carbon peak 2030, The Medium and Long Term Plan for hydrogen Industry Development (2021-2035), and the 14th Five-year Plan for Renewable Energy Development have been released, followed by "boots" from all over the country.

Under the policy enabling, China's new energy industry is developing rapidly! As one of the renewable energy industry, the new clean and widely used "green hydrogen" is becoming the focus of international attention.

| 02 green how hydrogen production?

Hydrogen is found mainly in water and fossil fuels as a compound on Earth, but as a secondary energy source, hydrogen needs to be "extracted" through hydrogen production technology. Hydrogen produced by fossil fuels is the main source of hydrogen in China, which is called "grey hydrogen" or "blue hydrogen" (purity).

And green hydrogen, especially refers to the use of renewable energy (such as solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy, etc.) to make hydrogen, it can achieve the whole production cycle without carbon emissions, greenhouse gas emission reduction has a very important significance!

One of the important ways to produce green hydrogen is electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen.

Electrolysis is a well-known chemical process in which water forms hydrogen and oxygen in an electrolytic cell. Due to the poor conductivity of pure water, an appropriate ratio of electrolyte will be added to the water to help improve the electrolytic efficiency.

Hydrogen production by alkaline hydrolysis surrounded by Hibeyoh hydrogen energy refers to the process of hydrogen production by hydrolysis in alkaline electrolyte environment.


▲ Oxygen and hydrogen

Under the action of direct current, the positive electrons will "run" to the negative electrode, the water and electrons near the negative electrode hydrogen evolution reduction reaction, hydrogen and hydroxide ions; When the hydroxide ions cross the membrane and "run" to the positive electrode, they lose electrons and undergo an oxygen evolution oxidation reaction to form water and oxygen.

| 02 besides electrolyzer, still need?

As the core component of the reaction, the electrolytic cell is often the most concerned equipment, which is related to the gas production, energy consumption and life of the whole system.

But actually, after hydrogen is made from the electrolytic cell, it has to go through several processes.

The most basic hydrogen production system consists of two parts: electrolytic cell and post-treatment system.


▲ CPU Hydrogen energy "post-treatment System"

The upgraded version will also be equipped with a "purification system" to meet customer technical requirements. Compared with grey hydrogen and blue hydrogen, green hydrogen contains almost no impurities and can reach 99.8% without purification.

In addition, there is a power supply system, which can convert AC into DC. If it is off-grid power generation, it also needs to go through the PROCESS of DC to DC. There is also a water supply system, the general city tap water will contain certain impurities, need to be treated and used, and the water quality is different around the country, impurities will affect the service life of the electrolytic cell.

Finally, there is the intelligent control system, known as the "brain" of the hydrogen production system, which can monitor the running status of the system in real time, provide continuous purity detection function, and also have its own diagnostic function, which can start and stop with one button to ensure safe production. Each set of equipment will be tested before leaving the factory to ensure compliance with safety and quality standards.

| 03 alkaline water electrolysis hydrogen is more suitable for green?

According to the report "White Paper on China's Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Industry 2020", China is expected to have a hydrogen market of 130 million tons in 2060. If all green hydrogen is replaced by green hydrogen at that time, a total installation capacity of 1TW electrolytic cells will be required.

The rapid development of the hydrogen market poses a greater challenge to the scale of hydrogen production, and THE FUTURE MW products are destined to become the mainstream of the market.

In terms of price, alkaline hydrolysis hydrogen production system also has a very large advantage, and there is still room for reduction. But as far as exports are concerned, domestic alkaline electrolytic hydrogen production system has been very "popular".

The picture


▲ CPU Hydrogen energy exhibition in Germany attracted much attention

With the advantages of large scale, low cost and long life, alkaline hydrolysis hydrogen production system is bound to occupy most of the future hydrogen energy preparation market.

| 4 times the optimal power authors advocate green hydrogen production efficiency

Xibeyou brand was founded in 2013, deeply engaged in the field of new materials and new energy industry, has established three product matrices of hydrogen energy equipment, Marine equipment and industrial roller, forming a good development pattern with innovation as the core and multi-wheel drive.

As China joins in the wider use of green hydrogen, Xibeyou Hydrogen arranges the hydrogen production equipment industry with a forward-looking vision. Relying on its experience in the field of new energy, Xibeyou Hydrogen develops new materials and new processes, and is able to design products based on the needs of the future market and provide customers with hydrogen production solutions.


▲ Container-type alkaline electrolytic water hydrogen production system

At present, Xibeyou Hydrogen energy has formed a series of 10-1000nm ³/h product matrix, system types include container alkaline electrolytic water hydrogen production system, skid-mounted mobile alkaline hydrolysis hydrogen production system, distributed hydrogen production system, etc. We can do original customized development for renewable energy power generation projects, hydrogenation stations, power plants, chemicals, semiconductors and other industries, with low energy consumption, safety and reliability.