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16 billion yuan investment in Yangdong new energy industry.

Time:2024/6/5    Tag:Yangdong, Guangdong, Layout, Industry, Hydrogen

The Yangdong District (Guangzhou) new energy industry investment promotion event, scheduled for May 17, will be held successfully in the Guangzhou Knowledge City International Conference and Exhibition Center. The event will focus on the new energy industry and aim to establish a "big investment" pattern. It will showcase the development advantages of Yangdong, industrial characteristics, investment projects, and policy environment. The goal is to attract high-quality enterprises to focus on Yangdong and settle in the area, sharing the opportunities of the Bay Area.

The Yangdong District representative will introduce the investment environment to the guests. Yangdong boasts a unique location, resources, and industrial advantages. It has been put into production and is currently under construction with a total installed capacity of about 14 million kilowatts of new energy. The cumulative amount of electricity connected to the Internet is about 350 billion kilowatt-hours. In terms of annual output value, the figure exceeds 20 billion yuan. The initial formation of the "nuclear, wind, light, storage, storage, hydrogen, installation" new energy industry chain has been achieved. The new energy industry chain pattern has been established.

Yangdong will establish a high-specification investment promotion, business preparation and business services "three teams" to capitalise on new opportunities, new industries, new platforms and new services. This will serve as a foundation for attracting global enterprises, thereby establishing Yangdong as a hub for entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. At the meeting, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of Yangdong's location advantages, industrial base, business environment, and the presence of academicians and experts in the field of new energy, industry leaders, and other key figures in the new energy industry. The discussion covered a range of topics, including technological innovation, industry chain support, and the business environment, offering insights into how the new energy industry can drive further development in Yangdong.
Mr. Huang Jianping, President of the Guangdong Cleaner Production Association, made the following remarks:
Yangdong is actively developing light, storage, and storage green energy, with the goal of creating a super 100 billion industrial cluster. For those engaged in the green energy industry, this presents a valuable business opportunity. Furthermore, I would like to encourage more companies to consider investing in Yangdong, establishing a presence there, and working with us to develop a green Yangdong.

Mr. Li Liuguan, General Manager of CPU Hydrogen Power Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.:
We are most impressed by the nanny service provided by the Yangdong District Government. From the outset of our project negotiations to its conclusion, the government has provided a dedicated docking, special tracking service and green channel, ensuring that our enterprises are able to operate with complete confidence and reassurance. We hope that the joint Yangdong District Government will build a green hydrogen equipment test base for the future of offshore wind power, which will serve as a foundation for future growth.
The conference site saw the signing of 12 projects, with a total investment of 16 billion yuan. These projects are mainly focused on green energy, metal products, modern service industry and other fields. (Source: Yangjiang Radio and Television)